National Annual Report Reveals NG911, Text-to-911 Progress

The latest and most comprehensive look at 911 data across the nation is highlighted each year in the National 911 Annual Report: 2019 Data. The latest release features data voluntarily submitted by States and territories describing their demographics and the status of NG911 deployment during 2019. Several noteworthy findings including:
Thirty-three states reported having a statewide NG911 plan
More than 2,000 PSAPs across 46 states reported using an ESInet
Nearly 600,000 texts-to-911 were received in 38 states in the calendar year
“The National 911 Annual Report: 2019 Data” was recently highlighted in an article by Mission Critical Communications, which shares an in-depth look at the findings and key takeaways.
Past reports and additional information about the data collection process are available online. Any questions about the Report can be sent to [email protected].