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Enhanced 911 Grant Program

In September 2009, the Enhanced 911 Grant Program made more than $40 million in grants available to 30 states and territories to help 911 call centers nationwide upgrade equipment and operations.

The grants, which were authorized by the ENHANCE 911 Act, were available for hardware, software, training or consulting services that directly benefit public safety answering points (PSAPs) in upgrading equipment and operations. Grants were awarded to 30 states and territories, ranging from $200,000 (awarded to American Samoa) to $5.4 million (awarded to Texas).

Read the Enhanced 911 (E911) Grant Program: Final Report

American Samoa Department of Public Safety



Primary Contact

Fred Scanlan

[email protected]


Funding will be used to update the Department of Public Safety's PSAP to a 9-1-1 call taking and dispatch system that is Phase I and II compliant (as defined by the FCC), including Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system to Computer Telephony Integration, integrated voice/data, comprehensive and scalable call processing, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) gateway functions.

Alabama Department of Homeland Security



Primary Contact

Art Faulkner

[email protected]


Funding will be used to purchase hardware and software to connect each PSAP in the state to the Alabama Next Generation Emergency Network (ANGEN), a statewide IP-Network.




Primary Contact

Tina Owens

[email protected]


Arkansas will determine through assessments, PSAPs within the state that are ready for Phase I and II deployment. After determining priority order, funding will be used to purchase the necessary equipment, hardware and software to implement Phase II status for multiple jurisdictions.

California 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Office



Primary Contact

Angela Chen

[email protected]


Funding will be used to build, implement, and manage a new, state-of the-art, IP based E9-1-1 network that will serve the northeast region of California. This will involve acquisition of hardware and software in the following counties: Butte, Plumas, Modoc, Lassen, Siskyou, Shasta, Yuba, Sutter, Tehama, and Glenn.

Colorado Public Utilities Commission



Primary Contact

Susan Travis

[email protected]


Funding will be provided to sub grantees as follows:

  • Lincoln County and Crowley County will replace 9-1-1 Telephone Positions (CPE) with new Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) consoles that will allow them to receive wireless Phase II 9-1-1 Calls.

  • Huerfano County will replace its two telephone positions (CPE) with Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) consoles that will allow it to receive wireless Phase II 9-1-1 Calls.

  • Larimer E9-1-1 and its five 9-1-1 centers will be connected together through secure fiber optic to allow the five dispatch centers in Larimer County to regionalize.

  • Elbert County Telephone Authority will install a T1 connection to the Kiowa Central Office for future expansion of IP-enabled networks. Adams County will install fiber optic cable to connect to the Denver fiber-optic infrastructure to enable the migration to an IP-enabled emergency network.

  • Washington-Yuma will upgrade their analog customer premises equipment and CTI Consoles to a digital, IP-enabled system.

Connecticut Department of Public Safety, Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications



Primary Contact

Stephen Verbil

[email protected]


Connecticut is in the process of installing a new, high-speed fiber-optic network connecting all 107 PSAPs within the State, and will be implementing a new, IP-enabled 9-1-1 system over that network. Funding for both the fiber optic network, and the 9-1-1 infrastructure replacement, are contained within the current OSET budget. This grant funding will be used for the final piece, which is to acquire is the terminal equipment required at each PSAP that will enable Integrated Telecommunications Services (ITS) IP call delivery services to the telecommunicator desktop.

Florida Department of Management Services, Division of Telecommunications



Primary Contact

Wink Infinger

[email protected]


Funding will be used for procurement of an E9-1-1 network consulting engineer who will address E9-1-1 call routing, database, diverse routing and redundancy issues as well as next generation 9-1-1 issues involving SIP, text messaging and video transport. In addition funds will be used for engineering, equipment, materials, installation, supervision, and training services required for the proper installation and operation of an E9-1-1 Emergency Communications Routing System.

Indiana Wireless E9-l-1 Advisory Board



Primary Contact

Barry Ritter

[email protected]


Indiana will award multiple subgrants to local 9-1-1 Authorities to contract for hardware, software and services for design and delivery of an IP enabled Next Generation 9-1-1 system and network that would enable the PSAPs within their combined jurisdictions to provide Next Generation 9-1-1 services. Funds will also be used for a statewide project that will benefit all PSAPs equally. Indiana provides and operates a statewide IP-enabled network for Wireless E9-1-1, known as the "IN911" network. Funding will be used for an IP networking capacity expansion project to enhance the reliability and capacity of that network.

Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management



Primary Contact

Derek Hill

[email protected]


Grant funds will be used for hardware and software to migrate the current wireless 9-1-1 network to an IP enabled emergency network, along with training in the use of said hardware and software to benefit all 122 PSAPs within the State of Iowa.

Kansas Office of the Governor



Primary Contact

Juliene Maska

[email protected]


Funding will be used to hire a consultant and purchase hardware and software to establish regional, interfaced ESInets and enable Kansas PSAP's to migrate to an IP enabled emergency network

Kentucky CMRS Board



Primary Contact

Joe Barrows

[email protected]


Funding will be used for the deployment of an IP-based network intended to receive, process, route and deliver 9-1-1 calls within a managed network. This will include acquisition of all the IP enabled network connections required for the operation of the ESlnet, the NG9-1-1/ESlnet applications, including Border Control Function (BCF), Emergency Call Routing Function (ECRF), Emergency Service Routing Proxy (ESRP), and Legacy Network Gateways as well as Professional Services to support all project management, training, implementation staging, and engineering design.

Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Service - Emergency Number Systems Board



Primary Contact

Gordon Deans

[email protected]


The funding will be used for the purchase and installation of Phase II compliant phone systems for Prince George's County PSAPs.




Primary Contact

Frank Pozniak

[email protected]


The IP-enabled emergency network created with this grant funding will be used immediately upon completion to (1) distribute updated map data that is loaded directly on the 9-1-1 customer premise equipment (CPE) at over 700 9-1-1 answering positions, (2) collect 9-1-1 call detail records at a central location for access by the State 9-1-1 Department and for the purposes of backing up the data, (3) back up 9-1-1 voice recordings at a central location and (4) monitor and maintain all 9-1-1 CPE. Additionally, the PSAP will have the ability to access criminal history data, provide radio over IP connectivity and share other public safety data. As Massachusetts transitions to NG9-1-1, the IP-enabled emergency network will be used to carry voice, photos, video, text, location and other NG9-1-1 data as well as to provide interconnectivity between Massachusetts PSAPs and interstate connectivity for PSAPs.

Michigan State Police



Primary Contact

Harriet Miller-Brown

[email protected]


This project will provide a GIS database that will be accessible to all PSAPs in Michigan. The database will be usable for current wireless call and for a future IP-based 9-1-1 system in Michigan. Once the entire data design, workflow and replications are setup from the local jurisdictions to the state 9-1-1 database, web services will be developed for these statewide layers to allow an entity to view the datasets or extract portions of the statewide datasets when needed. Programming will include design and implementation of all necessary security and data protection measures. The programming tasks include all necessary implementation costs to install servers, and software that will house the data repository and provide secure access to 9-1-1 entities. Data collections involves the creation of the statewide PSAP boundary layer and the acquisition of all existing road centerlines and ensuring all segments that meet at political boundaries are snapped and edge-matched correctly.

Minnesota Department of Public Safety Emergency Communication Networks



Primary Contact

Jackie Mines

[email protected]


Funding will be used to implement an E9-1-1 transition in three phases over the course of the next three years. An IP enabled network connection will be established to the existing PSAP demarcation point for each PSAP in the state in 2 phases. In the first phase, non-redundant IP connectivity will be established to all PSAPs in the state. In the next phase a second redundant and diverse IP connection will be established to each of the PSAPs at which time the legacy 9-1-1 network will be eliminated.

Missouri Department of Public Safety, Office of Homeland Security



Primary Contact

Joni Botkins

[email protected]


Funding will allow 18 local sub grants for cost categories in greatest need of assistance (within eligible uses of funds). The main categories being focused on to support the implementation and operation of Phase II E-9-1-1 services or migration to an IP-enabled emergency network are: mapping, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), and IP Voice recorders.

Montana Department of Administration Information Technology Services Division



Primary Contact

Becky Berger

[email protected]


The State of Montana will utilize the grant funding to migrate to a NG911 system including operations development and deployment of a 9-1-1 Emergency Services IP Network (ESINet). The operations development will include building Emergency Services Routing Proxies (ESRP) and utilizing the Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) protocol that will provide critical information for call routing. The ESINet elements will extend the existing IP enabled network providing a full migration to IP enabled 9-1-1 services. The supplemental grant funding will be utilized by 24 sub grantees to update equipment to such things as NG-capable CAD systems, ALI mapping software upgrades and GIS mapping software.

Nebraska Public Service Commission



Primary Contact

Mike Hybl

[email protected]


The State of Nebraska will use grant funds for Intertandem trunking between the selective routers in Scottsbluff and Grand Island. This connection will allow a reduction in call delivery time; meet FCC J-standard compliance for Phase II Signaling between the wireless carrier's central office and the 9-1-1 selective router; provide the ability to transfer 9-1-1 calls between all PSAPs in the State of Nebraska, and expand the ability for a PSAP to receive the full ten digit telephone number of callers resolving LNP issues. Grant funds will also be used to upgrade call handling software at all 45 call taking stations to meet NG-911 standards.

New Hampshire Department of Public Safety



Primary Contact

Bruce Cheney

[email protected]


Grant funds will be applied to the an upgrade of the existing Map presentation software in the two New Hampshire PSAPs to a Phase II compliant map interface and replacement of PC hardware at 45 Call Taker positions to meet the minimum requirements of the proposed solution.

New Mexico Department of Finance & Administration, Local Government Division



Primary Contact

Bill Range

[email protected]


Grant funds will be used to acquire the hardware, software and services for the first of the planned six rings comprising a State internetwork. This first ring to be acquired is the Central Ring. This ring interfaces with the Albuquerque Selective Router, a critical portion of the MPLS network, and the planned statewide IP backbone that will serve all PSAPs in the State. The ENHANCE 911 Act grant funding will support this critical first stage in this larger NG migration in New Mexico.

North Dakota Information Technology Department



Primary Contact

Mike Ressler

[email protected]


Grants funds will be used for hardware, software and consultant fees which will enable migration to a State ESInet.

Oklahoma Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board



Primary Contact

Gene Thaxton

[email protected]


Funding will be used by 15 sub grantees to provide software, servers, training and equipment to enable Phase II wireless 9-1-1 call processing.

Pennsylvania Department of Public Safety Emergency Services Advisory Committee



Primary Contact

Jeffery Thomas

[email protected]


The Commonwealth has chosen a project that will connect three Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) with an IP-enabled, Next Generation-capable 9-1-1 network, providing the foundation for a state-wide network, and the future connection of the remaining sixty-six PSAPs. With supplemental funding, equipment will be purchased to establish redundancy within the network, the three PSAPs on the network will commence handling "live" 9-1-1calls over the network, and transition plans will be developed for migrating the remaining sixty-six PSAPs to the network.

Puerto Rico 9-1-1 Service Government Board



Primary Contact

Gladys Rodriguez

[email protected]


Funding will be utilized to acquire NG-capable hardware and software.

South Dakota 9-1-1 Coordination Board



Primary Contact

Michael Houdyshell

[email protected]


Nine projects involve public safety answering points across the state that wish to deploy hardware and software to enable the migration to an IP-enabled emergency network. One additional project will bring E9-1-1-Phase II operations to Fall River County which currently is lacking such service. And the final project involves South Dakota's largest PSAP, Minnehaha Metro Communications, will upgrade operating hardware and software to enable migration to an IP-enabled emergency communications network.

Tennessee Emergency Communications



Primary Contact

Curtis Sutton

[email protected]


Grant funding will be used for the NetTN, an existing statewide IP network operated by the Office for Information Resources (OIR), to procure a portion of the hardware (routers), software and professional services necessary to connect 63 of the State's 160 PSAPs with the NetTN network.

Texas Commission on State Emergency Communications



Primary Contact

Kelli Merriweather

[email protected]


The proposed grant project will acquire the hardware and software necessary to deliver 9-1-1 calls originating from traditional wire line telephones in IP-format to select PSAPs via a limited feature ESlnet and a Legacy Network Gateway. The grant project is the initial deployment of the Texas NG9-1-1 System, consistent with stage 1 of the migration path identified in the State's Master Plan.

Virginia Department of Public Safety Wireless E-9-1-1 Services Board



Primary Contact

Dorothy Spears Dean

[email protected]


The Commonwealth of Virginia will use grant funds to establish a footprint for Next Generation hosted 9-1-1 services for Virginia PSAPs. The provision of hosted 9-1-1 services has been identified by the 9-1-1 stakeholder community in Virginia as a critical element for Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-l-l) in the Commonwealth.

Washington Military Department, Emergency Management Division



Primary Contact

Kurt Hardin

[email protected]


Washington State has started a three phase project to update the network used to transfer voice/data information from the consumer to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Washington State's NG9-1-1 system is being built on an Emergency Services Internet Protocol Network (ESINet) including the migration of Automatic Location Information (ALI) database information to the current standard 4.xx XML format. The ESINet will include, but is not limited to, network, transport, PSAP interfaces, 9-1-1 trunk support, selective routing and ALI interfaces. The grant funds will be used to purchase equipment as part of phase 3. The new/updated equipment will be needed to enable the PSAPs to receive data in more than just a voice format.

Last Updated: 02/11/2022