Issue #1
Published Feb 2016
Federal Agencies & 911: Who’s Who in Federal 911 Support
From discussing operational requirements at military communication conferences to recommending 911 call center structure, find out what’s happening in 911 at the Federal level and how the 911 community’s interests are represented.
911 Program Begins Study on Next Generation 911 Costs
As technology evolves, traditional 911 funding models are no longer able to sustain the traditional 911 system, let alone support NG911. Recognizing the need for funding reform, the 911 Program has begun work to find out how much NG911 will really cost.

NG911 Progress Across the U.S. Snapshot Now Available
The 911 Program and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) provide the most recent update about progress toward NG911 across the U.S.’s 56 states and territories.

Webinar Highlights Resources and NG911 Adopter Successes
In October, the DHS Office of Emergency Communications discussed technical resources for the 911 community and the New York State Office of Information Technology Services, Street and Address Maintenance Program NG911 implementations experiences.
Federal Partner Spotlight: DHS Advances 911 Services
The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Emergency Communications and the National 911 Program have undertaken several initiatives to help coordinate resources for improved 911 service across the country.