Issue #2
Published Apr 2016
FirstNet Taps Deep 911 Industry Knowledge for New Senior 911 Advisor
FirstNet hired a new Senior 911 Advisor, showing a commitment to engaging with the 911 community in the development of a national public safety broadband network.

News and Resources from 911 Federal Partners
New resources for NG911 transitions, and information about grants and funding, are available to help 911 advance emergency communication systems across the country.
New 911 Legislation, NG911 Standards and More Resources from
Learn about the latest resources and national efforts to advance 911 systems at the local, state and national level.
911 Is Not the Only Number You Need to Know During Railroad Incidents
The Federal Railroad Administration shares location information and important numbers that the 911 community should know during railroad-related incidents.

Next Generation 911 Cost Study Addresses National Progress & Goals in First Year of Effort
Working team makes progress in developing resources to figure nationwide cost of NG911.