Issue #6
Published Oct 2018
So How Much Will NG911 Really Cost?
After two years of research, a new study requested by Congress reveals how much it will cost to upgrade all of the nation’s 911 call centers to NG911 capabilities. It will be a valuable resource as legislators look to new funding mechanisms to make NG911 a reality for all.

Share Your Local or State Expertise with Others: Join a State Assessment Team
Local and state 911 leaders interested in growing their career are encouraged to participate in peer-led state 911 assessments to help fellow states continue to advance 911.

New Resources to Help States Advance 911 Systems
In an era when states are encouraged to improve their 911 systems, it’s often found they aren’t given the knowledge or resources to do so. The National 911 Program is in the process of releasing 911-specific resources to help states advance their 911 systems.

States Work Together: NG911 Interstate Connectivity Issues
Developed by four states, the Next Generation 911 Interstate Playbook series offers a collection of lessons learned, best practices and useful templates for PSAPs considering interstate connectivity.